
Have you received one of these calls?

Learn how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of impostor utility scams.


“Yes, this is PSE&G calling about your bill.  You are behind in payments and if you do not pay within the next hour, we will shut off your service.”

I think to myself, how can that be?  I’m not behind on my bill.  The caller ID says it is a local number, but not PSE&G.

“Um… I’ve paid my bill, I think.”

“Our records show you are behind on your payments and the only way to keep your electricity on is to send a payment within the hour. You can pay by using an app that transfers money.”

Red flags start to go up…

🚩 PSE&G never demands I use only one type of payment. They have a variety of payment options available, which don’t include using a third-party transfer app.    

🚩I never received written notice from PSE&G about my account being past due. 

“Sir, if you aren’t able to pay now, can I have your account number so I can access your account to schedule the payment?

Even more red flags…

🚩If PSE&G really were calling me, wouldn’t they know my account number? 

“I’m uncomfortable giving out my account information and I’ve checked my PSE&G bill online and I’m not behind on my bill. Can I speak with your supervisor?” 

Click… they hung up.

This is just one example of the countless phone calls our customers have reported receiving from people looking to steal money and take advantage of them.   

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, scammers have increased calls, texts, emails and in-person tactics, and they continue to contact utility customers asking for immediate payment to avoid service disconnection.

Don’t become a victim.  

In one of the most common scams, a caller might:

  • Pretend to be from PSE&G.
  • Threaten to turn off your power in an hour.
  • Demand immediate payment, often by prepaid card or fund transfer app.

Suspect a scammer. If you have any doubt, do not pay over the phone or call any number given to you by the scammer. 

Here’s what to do:

  1. Hang up.
  2. Call us at the phone number on your bill: 1-800-436-PSEG (7734).
  3. Call the police.

It is critically important we continue to raise awareness and educate customers on how they can guard against becoming victims of impostor utility scams. Scammers continue to adapt and develop increasingly sophisticated tactics to take advantage of our customers.

For more information on how you can protect yourself, and loved ones, against utility payment scams visit pseg.com/scamalert.

Rebecca Mazzarella, Lead Writer - PSE&G


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  • we had several calls in succession from someone saying they were PSE&G claiming I had been overcharged as a business customer and they wanted me to get my bill so they could make an adjustment. After I hung up, they continued calling back at least six times to pursue this. Very upsetting

  • Yes, they called me like 3 times this year, I called PS&G let them know and blocked the number, they even leave a voice mail with a number. Thank you

  • Thanks fir the info. I got a fake email from another company saying I ordered a $600.00 computer. They asked for my password, thankfully I caught on. This is definitely on the rise. Perhaps you can send these emails on a daily basis, especially for elderly folks, which I’m sure receiving a threat of shut off sends them and anyone into complete panic! Thank you again for the information.

    Ps: maybe this notice should be included (highlighted) on monthly bill.

  • Got a call last month saying I had 45 minutes to pay a $500 “security deposit” via CashApp or Zelle (smh) for the new meter, or my electric would be shut off…I called my contacts at PSE&G and hung up on them. They called back about 5 times before they finally gave up.

  • I wish that there is a way to catch and prosecute these con artists. I got a call a few months back that Pseg was going to come and shut off my gas and electric if I didn’t make an immediate payment. Thankfully, I knew it was a scam and I played along with the caller to see how far he would go. I told him that I wasn’t working for over 1 year due to the pandemic and that my dog was on a ventilator because she contracted Covid 19. I told him that if Pseg shut off the utilities my beloved dog would die. Without hesitation the caller said that Pseg does not make exceptions for medical emergencies. I asked the caller if I could put my brother on the phone to make the payment and I mentioned that he works for the Bergen County Prosecutors Office. He finally realized that he was being had and hung up. I know of an elderly relative of a friend that fell for this con and it was for most of her social security check. Please stop these criminals.

  • I called the police. They said there was nothing they could do because the scammers were calling from untraceable burner phones.

    • Of Course They Can, they just do not want to, as nobody else cares about law abiding citizens anymore. They Can take over and get to the point of payment. There Is No untraceable bank accounts

    • I was precisely going to ask here what was the point of the third piece of advice in the article. Call the police? Absolutely no idea how that would help at all. So thanks, Eric, for confirming my assumption.

  • I do receive such scam calls and I do recognize right way but only surprise is how do scammer spoof PSE&G phone number. Many times I do see legit PSE&G phone number 800-436-7734 in caller ID which is scary.

    • They gave my mother the real number and then two of their scam numbers. They just do it so you believe them. It’s such crap! I hate them!

  • I just received the phone call almost fell for it cus of covid I am behind my bill , they ask for 1k to avoid disconnecting flag me because they didn’t know my account number & ask for my cash app , which I don’t have one found it odd they will ask for it thank god I’m so broke this moment didn’t have the funds to pay the 1k but had I did have the money I probably would of paid .

  • I get those fake PSE&G calls two or three a week, plus other calls claiming they are from other companies like Verizon, Amazon, IRS and Social Security. I’ve reported them, but they still call. Some time I just hung up, some other time I curse the hell out of them, and they hung up even before I do.

  • They called me as well but in our area we have JCP&L so it had to be a scam. I simply asked them what PSE&G stood for and they hung up.

  • Received a call an hour ago. I immediately recognized the scam, but l’m not sure my elderly mother and mother in law would. Accented male caller hung up when I questioned his credentials.

  • A few months ago I received several calls that showed up on my caller ID as pse&g with the actual customer service number, but they were scam calls saying I was eligible for a $50 discount on my bill. The caller had a very thick accent and was barely understandable.

  • this number called me today — scam —908-280-0003… said they were going to shut off my service. obviously a scam… please be aware and do not talk to anyone at this number

  • It is right, never give information about account. If person is calling from PSGE then he knows the account number.

  • PSEG has a third-party billing situation where they charge you three times as much as your original bill and when you call PSEG and cancel THE 3RD PARTY BILLING WHICH IS CALLED SMART ENERGY they say that it takes two months before they canceled the third party billing PSEG in NJ is running a scam also

  • Received a Phone call indicated I was overcharged and . . . . wanted me to find my bill…..
    Indicated that I believed the caller was a scammer and that I could not locate my PSE&G bill. Believe phishing for info.

  • I just had a call from a woman who pretend to be a representative of Convergent. She told me I owe PSEG $500. Well, I called PSEG to verify and they gave me different information. So it was verified that a caller was a scammer.
    The number she called from is 660-310-4903. She spoke with an Indian Accent.

  • Just got 2 calls today from 908-577-9161 saying we need to contact PSEG within 24hrs about the account to call back 855-765-4407. Be careful

    • I just got this phone number calling me this morning too. Caller ID says Cranford, NJ. It’s a robo call that claims to be PSE&G on voicemail saying how they’re calling about the service at _____, which isn’t my address. How they need me to call them back about this account within 24hrs. Something about pressing two. Para espanol, and they repeat it again. Looking up the phone number reveals that this was not a legit.

  • I Have gotten called 10 times about my PSEG needs to update this Scammers have my home location and Email and phone number. What is going on here???

  • This call now comes from you official number 800-436-7734 saying we have 45 minutes to pay. Not sure what you can do about it, but scammers can now spoof your number…

  • just got another VM from 908-577-9161 saying to contact them within 24hrs and call back @ 855-765-4407
    SCAM call – don’t call back

  • Yes, received 3 today explaining that service will be shut off in 45 minutes if past due bill is not paid. 800-436-7734

  • I received a similar robocall today November 30, 2023 but I have not been a PSE&G customer for many years.
    The caller ID showed 800 436 7734 mimicking the number listed on this post. After a brief hold with convincing music/recorded messages to go to the PSEG website to set up autopay, a person named Randy asked for my name and address. I told him I am worried he is a scammer and he hung up.
    Beware folks, I think the scam is alive and well even three years later.

  • I got a call saying I was behind on payment and assumed it was a scam but the caller ID displayed was PSEG main number…how do they do that?

  • i just got the call from the spammer. they spoofed the real number 800-436-7734
    It even came up with the name “Public Service”.

  • I just received 3 consecutive calls in 3 minutes a few minutes ago, and last night past 8:00 PM from 1-800-436-7734, which is PSEG’s number.

    Today, I answered the 3rd call and it was that disconnection message. The funny thing is, we do not have PSEG. When I pressed 1 for Billing (just to confirm my hunch), I heard some breathing for about 2 seconds and then the PSEG legit hold music started playing.

    I ended the call because I knew they were spoofing PSEG’s number and to unsuspecting “customers,” they will end up giving out their payment info just to pay their legit overdue balance.

    I called PSEG’s number, the same as the one from the scammers, but directly from their website to report this incident, but their IVR system would not connect me to a live agent without asking me for my account number. I ended the call because I am not a PSEG customer.

    There should be a way to report this to PSEG.

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